Sunday, October 10, 2010

eBook Update

My eBook has been approved for the nook, kindle, iBookstore and other formats. Awesome. You can also read 20% of the eBook for free! Get it

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Well it took about 3 hours to reformat my MS, Warped, for smashwords to convert it to all of the available ereader formats. Now I am waiting for them to tell me that it is submitted to Barns and Nobel, Amazon, etc.

This was very easy to do. The step by step instructions are invaluable.

Thumbs up!

Monday, October 4, 2010


So far I created my account. Took only a few minutes. Now to use their guide on formatting my Microsft Word document....


I am starting today, October 4th, 2010 to publish one of my books called WARPED, with smashwords ( The ebook format will be available on the nook (which I have and love), iBookstore, Amazon Kindle, PDF etc.

I will document my trial here, this week. I will share with you the issues of re-formatting my Manuscript for the smashwords translation software, and the time it takes to get the eBook published, and displayed as available on the above devices.

Going to be fun, I am sure :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

*snip* from Watchers

The fading sun illuminated the mountains with a cold, silver-gray light. The pale glow reflected off the dew which clung to the leaves and grass like slim strands of silken string. The mountains jutted into the sky like broken, jagged teeth, as a flock of birds lifted off, startled by an unseen foe.
In the distance a female deer raised her head, searching for what had frightened the birds. She stiffened her muscles as she readied herself for flight.
A large forest surrounded the clearing where the doe was grazing freely, as it had every night without fear. The animal could sense an intruder however. She looked around, but couldn’t see any movement but the sinking sun drifting further behind the mountains.
A loud crack echoed off the jagged rocks, signaling the doe that her instincts were correct. She bolted into the thick forest just as many human shaped shadows descended from the darkening sky, to land agilely upon the dew covered ground.
The shadow forms gathered around in a tight circle as the air was chilled by their presence. The forest fell silent, even the wind seemed to refuse to blow. The dew turned instantly to ice where a shadow touched it, and the snapping of the frozen tundra broke the silence.

A clean start

I've finished my third book, called the Watchers (I'm sure this will change). Now I need to create a Query Letter to email to all of those wonderful agents out there, and then sit and wait in the query hell @